cPacket AI/ML Observability: Packet-based intelligence and insights

Revolutionize how your NetOps and SecOps teams manage their networks and troubleshoot network, application, and system issues with an innovative AI/ML solution that harnesses packet-based metadata to deliver advanced insights and intelligence.

Here’s what cPacket AI Observability can do for you:

Key Features

  • Proactive Issue Detection: Relevant, timely packet data helps identifysystem and application problems before users report them.
  • High-Fidelity Insights: Packet-based metadata provides the most accurate and actionable insights.
  • Issue Correlation: Correlation of system and application issues leverages available network data for comprehensive problem analysis.

With AI Observability, You Can:

  • Prioritize Critical Issues: Identify the most impactful network, system, and application issues with 5-10 actionable insights per day.
  • Empower Your Teams: Augment your NetOps and SecOps teams and transform incident response from reactive to proactive.
  • Maximize Contextual Value: Combine cPacket's packet metadata with other telemetry to gain maximum contextual insights.

cPacket AI Observability: Transforming Network Data into Actionable Intelligence

Today's large enterprises are overwhelmed with alerts. When there are too many alerts, they may all be ignored. To stay ahead of sophisticated threats, a proactive approach to troubleshooting and issue triaging is essential.

cPacket AI Observability helps by correlating various packet data and telemetry sources to identify the root cause of network issues. It enables you to monitor critical servers and their load balancers to prevent data exfiltration, detect lateral movement, and prevent potential IP exposure. Our accurate DDoS detection and intelligence capabilities can help you pinpoint high-risk, high-impact external scanners while reducing alert fatigue.

Eliminate noise, improve accuracy, and transform operations

Distill Trillions of Packets

Reduce noise by distilling trillions of packets into fewer than 10 actionable insights per day, allowing you to focus on the most critical network, system, application, and security issues instead of hundreds or thousands of daily alerts. Dive deeper into insights with endpoint or session-based analytics powered by a seamless cClear integration.

Shift from Reactive to Proactive

Transition from reactive troubleshooting tools, where users notify you of problems, to a proactive solution that continuously improves by incorporating unsupervised training and user-provided feedback for enhanced relevance and accuracy.

Maximize Contextual Value

Unlike competitors, cPacket can leverage metadata from all captured packets, along with other telemetry sources, to provide the most relevant insights with maximum network context to NetOps or SecOps teams.

Beating the Competition

By distilling massive amounts of data into just 5-10 actionable insights per day, cPacket empowers NetOps and SecOps users to focus on the most critical network/security challenges and user-impacting issues. cPacket AI Observability transforms organizations from reactive to proactive, ensuring NetOps and SecOps teams are equipped with the most relevant and accurate insights to maintain optimal network performance and security posture, eliminating alert fatigue.


Capture and analyze network packet data at line-rates.

Today’s large enterprises require zero downtime, continuous change, and unceasing vigilance against risks. To deliver on those requirements, enterprises need an observability solution built on reliable and accurate packet data. Those solutions must operate at line-rate, anywhere, and at any time.

Fast multi/hybrid-cloud networks increase pressure on IT teams to keep infrastructure reliable and secure. Each packet zooms by in just 6.7 nanoseconds at 100 Gbps—a bare instant for networking tools to analyze, index, and store packets.

That’s where cPacket cStor can help by capturing and analyzing every packet as it crosses the network at line-rate. cStor’s rapid capture-to-disk (CTD) enables network operations (NetOps) and security operations (SecOps) teams to monitor network reliability and security in real time while also looking backward to investigate incidents that happened in the past.

cStor® Packet Capture & Analysis Observability Nodes

cStor helps NetOps and SecOps teams deliver business continuity, better operational efficiency, and more robust security.

A Unified Solution: cPacket’s Product Portfolio for Packet-Level Security Oversight

cPacket AI Observability technology helps you maintain optimal network performance while addressing the most critical user-impacting issues promptly. Defend your business and IP from cyber threats, data exfiltration, DDoS attacks, malicious scanners, and more.

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Our expert network team can work with you to align your network strategy to cPacket’s industry leading packet capture and broker solutions.